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The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness has been used to craft an effective framework for the pursuit of wellness. The 8 Dimensions are emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual. The theory goes that if you are engaging in The 8 Dimensions of Wellness on an ongoing basis, you will have a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Not only did we test this theory, we use it in our work consistently. We have fine tuned this model so much so, that we even have the support staff to help you build or tweak your own 8 dimensions. We offer classes specifically on this philosophy so if your interested in learning more, check out our events page and sign up for any of the wellness classes you see offered live and online. You can also contact one of our professional staff members to work one on one through the process.

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Here we offer a starter list of tasks you can do to get you on track to wellness. Some really smart people came up with this plan so why not give it a try? Start your own wellness plan by making a list of things you can do in each of the dimensions starting today. The sooner you implement the plan (72 hours to be exact) the likelier you are to make it a habit. Grab a calendar and map it out, that helps you stay accountable to yourself. If you have a partner in some of the activities, you begin to build a network which is even better!


The most important thing to remember as you build your list is this... we are motivated to do the things we enjoy. Be intentional in your list, add everything you can think of then check off things you know you will do and add just a few things to your calendar to get started. Before you know if you'll be engaged, active, healthy and well. Good luck and have fun!
























Note we said to volunteer in each of the dimensions. It's the easiest, most efficient way to get back into community living. It helps you to make friends, learn new skills, add jobs to your resume and it gives back to the world. Volunteering is a magical way to co-exist with the environment and there's always something you can do to help the world be a better place, not to mention it helps you become a better human and find self love.  Find volunteer opportunities: Volunteer Match


  • Take a daily walk

  • join a gym

  • eat healthy foods

  • cook at home

  • volunteer.   


  • Journal daily

  • find a therapist

  • spend time outside

  • spend more time with friends

  • volunteer​


  • Join a church

  • Meditate/Pray

  • Spend time in nature

  • Mentor

  • volunteer


  • Find work you love

  • Get a new skill

  • Learn a trade

  • Read about your industry

  • volunteer.   


  • Read

  • Mentor

  • Go back to school

  • Find a mentor

  • volunteer.   


  • Create a budget

  • Repair your credit

  • Track your spending

  • Upgrade your employment

  • volunteer.   


  • Join Meet Up App.

  • Spend time with family/friends

  • Join a group

  • MAp out events from FB events

  • volunteer.   


  • plant a garden

  • recycle

  • purge

  • move

  • volunteer.   

  • Create a budget

  • Balance your budget

  • Plan for retirement

  • Balance spending

  • Invest: 401k, 529k, life ins, IRA, Mutual funds, etc.

  • Billpay- online

  • Track expenses and trim the fat

  • Get Utility Assistance from State

  • Spend only what you earn

  • Coupon

  • Buy on sale

  • Plant food

  • Use sales/ Discounts/ Clearence

  • Buy after season sales for next season

  • Shop Second Hand: auctions, yard sales, thrift stores, marketplace, consignment

  • Read about. finances

  • Be financially independent

  • Listen to podcasts

  • Read blogs

  • Read financial news

  • Take a personal finance class

  • Buy a home

  • Track your credit

  • Clean your credit

  • Use credit

  • Understand credit

  • Spend in cash

  • Know your tax breaks

  • Maintain good credit

  • Understand needs vs. wants

  • Dave Ramsey: Financial University

  • Tony Robbins: Money

  • Website:

  • Exercise

  • Move your body 15 mins a day

  • Track steps

  • Walk/ Run

  • Yoga

  • Get good rest

  • Eat a balanced/ healthy diet

  • Get regular check ups

  • Bathe

  • Brush teeth

  • Get regular dental check ups

  • Take meds/ supplements as Rx'd

  • Live sober

  • Volunteer

  • Teach/ learn

  • Join a gym

  • Build a gym

  • Join a fitness group

  • Play a sport

  • Hike

  • Swim

  • Kick box

  • kayak/ canoe

  • Boat

  • Fish

  • Box

  • Martial arts

  • Parks n Rec

  • Walk a dog

  • Beach/pool

  • Golf

  • Frisbee golf

  • Paddle ball

  • Meditate

  • Energy work

  • Cry

  • Scream

  • Laugh

  • Put a cold rag on your chest or back of neck

  • Alternate nose breathing

  • Scream into your hands

  • Volunteer

  • Hug 5 times a day for 5 seconds

  • Pet therapy

  • Have sex

  • Read

  • Kiss

  • Vent to a trusted friend

  • Blog/ Journal

  • Get therapy

  • Check bloodwork

  • Take medication/ supplements

  • Sing

  • Dance

  • Manage your diet

  • Don't eat sugar

  • Exercise

  • Sleep well

  • Socialize

  • Take a bath/ shower

  • Art therapy

  • Color

  • Walk your pet

  • Travel

  • Move your room around

  • Redecorate

  • Fen Shui

  • Volunteer

  • Yoga/ Reiki

  • Turn off trash media, news, music, TV!

  • Join a Recovery group

  • Join a club

  • Join a team sport

  • Start a group

  • Family time

  • plan family/ friend meals

  • go to the gym

  • Take a class

  • Camp

  • Hike in groups

  • Travel in groups

  • Volunteer

  • Join a social group

  • Go to dog parks

  • Join a book club

  • Go to book stores

  • people watch

  • Go to movies

  • Plan dinner dates

  • Go to sports events

  • Window shop

  • Go to a concert/festival

  • Sell stuff

  • Skate

  • Join the YMCA/ Community Rec.

  • Geo Cache/ Pokemon

  • Spend time with friends/ family

  • Go to an outdoor movie

  • Go to a drive in movie

  • Ghost hunt

  • Escape room

  • Attend FB Events

  • Go to massage schools

  • Meet up app.

  • Volunteer

  • Clean your space

  • Feng Shui

  • Purge

  • Garden or landscape

  • Recycle

  • Have a rain storage

  • Compost

  • Have a meditation space

  • Have a dreamy bedroom

  • Paint the walls

  • Clean your linens

  • Buy new linens

  • Buy new/used furniture

  • Use white noise/ fan/ sound machine

  • Clean your car/ garage

  • Hang photos

  • Put affirmations in places around your house

  • Set reminders 

  • Live in a safe neighborhood

  • Live in a safe home

  • Live with a safe partner

  • Love yourself

  • Enjoy a candlelight bath with music

  • Get rid of toxic people

  • Stay out of toxic places

  • Love toxic family from a distance

  • Don't drink or use drugs

  • Don't gamble or use porn

  • Build a home gym

  • Vacation/ travel

  • Be inclusive

  • Volunteer

  • Raed

  • Join a book club

  • Take a class

  • Go back to school

  • Go to trade school

  • Take a college course

  • Udemy

  • Watch documentaries

  • Go to a trade conference

  • Go to a local seminar

  • Teach

  • Go to a. museum

  • Go to the library

  • join your libraries audio book club

  • Learn a language

  • do a craft

  • Find a new hobby

  • Change a bad habit

  • Mentor

  • Join the Chamber of Commerce

  • Do brain games

  • Do a crossword

  • Compete online

  • Play board games

  • Color

  • Do art

  • Play music

  • Listen to music

  • Make a playlist

  • Meditate

  • Journal

  • Become an exchange family

  • Download a new app

  • Foster kids

  • Get a job

  • Find an occupation you LOVE

  • Take a class

  • Improve work skills

  • Network

  • Support/ peer lunch

  • Mindfulness walk

  • Journal future plans

  • Keep a calendar

  • Keep a career journal

  • Lunch and learn

  • Read about your industry

  • Find support peers

  • Get or be a mentor

  • Be unique/ in demand

  • Find a way to like your job/ peers

  • QUIT the job you hate!

  • Contribute to your retirement

  • Choose a job with benefits

  • Choose a job that supports your life

  • Invest in future skills

  • Go back to school

  • Learn a trade

  • Invest

  • Continuing education

  • Stay on job sites

  • Ask friends for referrals

  • Keep your resume fresh

  • Find a career coach

  • Go to your college career services

  • Update your linkedIn

  • Join career network groups

  • Say yes to every new opportunity

  • Ask for a raise

  • Work hard & be on time

  • Find a {home} support group

  • Read about your higher power

  • Sing & dance

  • Join groups

  • Attend church

  • Volunteer

  • Be or find a mentor

  • Meditate / pray

  • Garden

  • Yoga/ Reiki (energy work)

  • Breathwork

  • Aromatherapy

  • Choose a happy tribe

  • Eliminate stress

  • Eliminate stressful people

  • Get a pet

  • Music therapy

  • Mindfulness exercises

  • Guided meditation

  • Date yourself

  • Date your family

  • Spa/ mani/pedi

  • Go to a book store, park, hike

  • Self help books, podcasts, Social groups

  • Cook

  • Clean

  • Color

  • Acupuncture

  • Take a hot/ cold bath

  • Travel

  • Day trip

  • Hang out with a friend

  • Go to the pet store 

  • Get near water

  • Read a spiritual book

  • Watch a happy movie

The Science of Sleep: Sleep Foundation Link
  • Lavender Incense

  • Sleep journaling

  • Sleep Schedule

  • Side sleep

  • Snuggle

  • Orgasm

  • Destress

  • Read

  • Make tomorrows to-do list

  • Journal

  • Cool Temps

  • ​Clean Linens 

  • Clean space

  • Limit alcohol

  • Limit. caffeine

  • Don't fight

  • Meditate/ pray

  • 4-7-8 Breathing

  • ASMR

  • Brown Noise

  • Binaural Beats

  • Eat right

  • Exercise

  • Destress

  • Limit alcohol

  • Limit. caffeine

  • Melatonin

  • Noise machine / fan

  • Loving partner

  • Don't nap 

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